Saturday, June 7, 2014

We feel blessed....!

January 2014 came with the fresh idea of celebrating 2014-2015 as the Silver Jubilee Year of Rasadhwani. An idea followed by ideas, which took the logical extension of exciting talks with friends and well wishers, planning and execution and above all,  raising funds to convert  ideas into reality.

Nothing concrete materialized and things started becoming bad to worse, with   financial closing of the year and approching election. Things were hot elsewhere but lukewarm at our end. Hoping against hope, we pushed the date from February 28th to April 28th, as a duel celebration on the eve of World Dance Day and just booked the auditorium without a penny against the proposed budget for ‘Mangalam’, our curtain raiser event of Silver Jubilee celebration.

Our friends, whom Rasadhwani had pleasure of inviting to perform, gave the consent and the wheels started rolling. Friends, well-wishers, Rasadhwani’s parents and all came forward and soon ‘small’ became ‘big’, enough for two ends to meet.
We are sincerely grateful to our well-wishers, donors, Door Darshan, our techno-friendly team, print media and yes, our appreciative audience who enjoyed the  evening’s  performance - ‘Nar-Nari’ by Maulik Shah and Ishira Parikh, ‘Earthen Pot’ by Manjaree Chandrashekhar and  ‘Gitagovindam’ by Vaibhav Arekar and Shivangee Vikram.

I and entire Rasadhwani parivar feel blessed  that the sincere efforts by ‘Mangalam’ team have been rewarded by the successful execution of an  ‘idea’ and thus genuine prayers were answered. I personally feel blessed that we are inspired by the Great Gurus who have shown us the path to Dance.

And Lo! This gave us the boost to program and plan the second event of Silver Celebration, ‘Suruchi’, due in November 2014.

~ Uma

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